an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Godly People
March 29, 2023 | Tori Cook JE ‘26
To have one heart and one mind as a Christian people seems to mean having our will fully in line with God’s will– perfectly desiring what He desires. Herein lies the difficulty. Changing our actions is far easier than changing our wills and desires.
Watching for the Lord
March 24, 2023 | Blake M (ES 2024)
The ancient city demands much of a watchman. He spends all day or all night with nothing to do but watch: waiting for signals from other cities or the signs of enemy armies. Uneventful weeks and months pass. Yet, in a few key moments, everyone in the city depends on him to be alert. On an ordinary day, he is given little praise; should he doze off and miss the signs of an incoming army, he rightly shoulders all the blame.
Man’s Reconciliation with God
March 22, 2023 | K. A. Malandain (Trumbull ‘26)
For there are still, in fact, good fruits that can be reaped from what you might be perceiving as a failure–those fruits being, a knowledge of our fallen nature as humans in the world, and a reminder of the difficulty of being a disciple of Christ. Denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following the Lord is no easy feat.
Joseph, Our Guiding Light
March 20, 2023 | Katie Painter TD ‘23
In the Catholic tradition, March 20 marks the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, we commemorate the steadfast father of the child Jesus, the virtuous husband “unwilling to expose [Mary] to shame.”
The King
March 17, 2023 | Teni Asade TC ‘26
He had stood tall, spine cracked straight with pride, the pressure suffocating him. And yet sometimes that pride—that crushing weight of self-reliance—was the only thing that kept him standing at all.
Folks Who Know Jesus Well
March 15, 2023 | Jonathan Pierre SY ‘25
Lately though, it feels like things have been everything but spiritual. Anxiety has felt more real–oftentimes replacing the peace of the Holy Spirit. A sense of hopelessness has tried to dry up my faith. And a deep feeling of irritability has attempted to replace a love for others.
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Discuss with us what it means to think Christianly and write for our publication.