February 1, 2023 | Hannah Turner BK ‘24
And those of us who know the struggle of adulting know that time is a precious resource and we use money nearly every day. The difficulty is not in teaching responsibility or wisdom, but in the dangerous implications we make about a human being’s value. When we view ourselves, those around us, or children as failures for not reaching certain goals, we deny our inherent worth.
February 1, 2023 | Lukas Bacho SM ‘25
Still, a larger question looms: short of the moral standard Emerson, Thoreau, and even Jesus provide, is not a guilt-ridden philanthropy like mine better than none at all?
February 1, 2023 | Yoska Guta TD ‘25
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think our fallouts with others are due to the flaws of a select few individuals. Rather, this constant failure is due to a deep insufficiency that runs rampant within each of us. One that prevents us from being, and finding that whole and perfect friend that we all seek.
February 1, 2023 | Zeki Tan PM ‘25
This culture of isolation was on full display during the Covid-19 pandemic, in which many people died alone in the hospital, their families denied visitation under lockdown rules. How did these people feel as death approached? Perhaps they still had dreams to fulfill, places they wanted to visit, or people they wanted to see when Death came knocking.
February 1, 2023 | Marcos Barrios ES ‘24
God didn't go after Adam and fix his work, editing the names Adam chose. Certainly, God would have chosen better, more beautiful, more meaningful names for the animals. But like a father hanging up the messy scrawl of their child's artwork on the fridge, God proudly displays the work of His image bearer.
February 1, 2023 | Amelia Dilworth BR ‘23
Sometimes when I look at my Google Calendar, I think of each hour as a city block, and all my events as buildings I’ve constructed in the city of my life.
And sometimes, I think—this is not a city I’d want to live in.
February 1, 2023 | Jonathan Pierre SY ‘25
The caveat to doing this kind of questioning in a way that glorifies God is to maintain intellectual humility. It’s foolish to rely absolutely on our own wisdom. If God is the same God that created all things both seen and unseen, wouldn’t it be a bit underwhelming if we could understand all of it?
February 1, 2023 | Justin Ferrugia TD ‘24
The example of St. Dominic’s Church, however, reframes the question: how do we know when a tradition that has been discarded can be useful to solve a modern problem?
February 1, 2023 | Lily Lawler BK ‘23
Each sunset with clouds draped around it and every birdsong I heard in the morning pointed my face towards God’s undeniable glory. The infinitely unfolding beauty in this world was enough evidence for me that God is present with us.