The Augustine Collective
What is the Augustine Collective?
The Augustine Collective is a student-led movement of Christian journals on college campuses. While the Collective emphasizes the joint pursuit of faith and reason, each journal has its own distinct vision and aesthetic. Just as every college campus is unique, so every journal is different. We celebrate our unity and diversity in Jesus after the model of the early church – “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). Learn about other Augustine Collective Student Publications like Logos!
Sister Journals:
The Harvard Ichthus
Email: harvardichthus@gmail.com
Website: http://harvardichthus.org/
The Dartmouth Apologia
Email: the.dartmouth.apologia@dartmouth.edu
Website: www.dartmouthapologia.org
The Brown & RISD Cornerstone (formerly Closing Remarks)
Email: cornerstone@brown.edu
Website: brownrisdcornerstone.com
To An Unknown God (Berkeley)
Email: unknowneditors@gmail.com
Website: http://unknowngodjournal.wordpress.com/
The Pub (Wheaton College)
Email: wheatonpub@gmail.com
Website: http://cargocollective.com/wheatonpub
Peripateo (Swarthmore College)
Email: swarthmoreperipateo@gmail.com
Website: http://swarthmoreperipateo.wordpress.com/
hearhere (Claremont Colleges)
Email: hearherejournal@gmail.com
Student Org Website: https://claremont.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/hearhere
The Columbia Witness (Formerly Crown & Cross)
Email: columbiacrowncross@gmail.com
Website: http://www.crowncross.org/
The Cornell Claritas
Email: cornell.claritas@gmail.com
Website: http://cornellclaritas.com/
Between Cities (University of Minnesota)
Email: submissions@betweencities.org
Website: http://www.betweencities.org/
The Vanderbilt Synesis
Email: Contact the editors
Website: http://www.vanderbiltsynesis.org/
The MIT et Spiritus
Email: etspiritus@mit.edu
Website: http://mitetspiritus.org/
The Hopkins Dialectic
Email: jhu.dialectic@gmail.com
Aletheia (California Polytechnic State University)
Website: https://aletheiaacademic.wixsite.com/aletheia
The Vine (Middlebury College)
Email: middleburyvine@gmail.com
Kairos (Washington University in St. Louis)
Email: kairos@su.wustl.edu
Website: http://kairos.wustl.edu/
Duke Crux
Contact form: https://dukecrux.org/contact/
Website: https://dukecrux.org/
Vox Clara (Stanford University)
Email: voxclarastanford@gmail.com
Website: https://voxclara.wixsite.com/voxclara/
To the Well (UNC)
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tothewellunc/
The Texas Trinitas (University of Texas at Austin)
Email: texastrinitas@gmail.com
Website: http://texastrinitas.org/
The Williams Telos
Email: williamstelos@gmail.com
Website: http://sites.williams.edu/telos
The Heart of the Hall (Seton Hall University)
Website: https://blogs.shu.edu/heartofthehall/
CANA (University of Chicago)
Website: http://canajournal.com/
Locust Walk (formerly Common Subjects and Lamp Post at the University of Pennsylvania)
Email: pennchristianjournal@gmail.com
The Bowdoin Agathos
Email: agathos.bowdoin@gmail.com
Website: https://agathosjournal.wordpress.com/
St. Olaf Avodah
Email: avodah@stolaf.edu, escher@stolaf.edu
Revisions (Princeton University)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RevisionsJournal/
Slant (Five College Consortium (MA))
For more information about our sister journals, check out the Augustine Collective website!