an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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February 1, 2023 | Justin Ferrugia TD ‘24
The example of St. Dominic’s Church, however, reframes the question: how do we know when a tradition that has been discarded can be useful to solve a modern problem?

More than Just Surviving
By Sharmaine Koh, SM ‘22. Sharmaine is majoring in History.
Many of us would give anything to trade the fears and stresses of disruption, infection, social isolation, loss of support and certainty — for the simpler pressures of academic labour. But in our vigilant handwashing, Zoomer-U-a-meme-ing, miserable self-quarantining, there is that same sense of struggle against forces quite beyond our control. I’m still hanging on to that rotten plank…These days, all we do is survive. It’s hard enough to think about living well, let alone thriving.
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