an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Figs and the Labor of Love
March 20, 2022 | By Paul Georgoulis H‘22
I had a nice fresh fig the other day—fresh, not dried, which is always a treat for me. It reminded me a bit of a passage from the Gospel of Luke, wherein Jesus gives a parable about a barren fig tree. In the parable, a landowner tells his gardener to chop down a fig tree because it has yet to bear fruit. The gardener replies that he thinks that the owner should wait one more year, and allow him to water and fertilize the tree. If the tree still does not bear fruit next year, the gardener says, he will cut it down.

To Boldly Go…
Sept 15, 2020 | By Ben Colón-Emeric TD ‘22
If you wanted to build the perfect future, what would you do? When the world was brought to a screeching halt by COVID-19, there was talk of dramatic change, institutional upheaval. But how does dramatic change come about? How can we rethink the systems that shape our lives? Imagine for a moment that you have infinite resources and total control over public policy. No longer must you decide if you’re going to trust your mother to cut your hair: the decisions you make can shape anything from world governance, to education, to the direction of scientific research. What future do you choose to build, and how do you get there? I, like many people, would be heavily influenced by the genre that has focused on the future for the better part of one-and-a-half centuries: science fiction.

Supernatural and the Mundane
By Tommy Schacht, PC ‘21. Tommy is majoring in History.
Humans have a remarkable capacity for boredom. I remember the first time I stepped foot on Yale’s campus, I was blown away. If ten-year-old me saw my life now, he would probably have an aneurysm. And yet, this splendor hardly elicits a response from me now. The spectacular has become mundane simply by exposure.
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