an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Short Defense of Fasting
February 24, 2023 | Justin Ferrugia (TD ‘24)
Lent, per its origin, is a time of solitude and fasting. It is meant to mirror Christ’s solitary journey for forty days and forty nights after his baptism. Many Christian traditions including the Catholic Church still require that Ash Wednesday and Good Friday be days of fasting for adults, and many choose to devotionally fast more frequently during Lent and throughout the year. However, in our modern culture, it seems fasting has either become the newest trick to lose weight, or written off as a medieval practice of corporal mortification for the overzealous.

Broken Cycles: Christ’s Repentance and the Comfort of the Cross
February 22, 2023 | Zeki Tan (PM ‘25)
My recitation of the Daily Office, which is the liturgy of morning and evening prayer in the Anglican Church, invariably begins with these two verses of repentance: a confession of sins and shortcomings, and a plea for forgiveness from God. Repentance occupies a central place in all levels of Christian life, from the Pope’s worldwide exhortations to the private prayers of individuals in their homes, but it is especially important during Lent: a time when Christians commemorate the one whose act of sacrifice justified humans before God and surpassed any human act of penance—Jesus Christ.

Driving Through the Desert
February 20, 2023 | Amelia Dilworth (BR ‘23)
I think Lent is like this. Representing the forty days Jesus spent in the desert fasting, praying, and overcoming temptation in the desert, Lent is not a season of self-deprivation or self-punishment. Rather, Lent is a time when we follow Jesus into the desert because nothing in the city can quench our thirst for God.

A Vision For Lent
March 1, 2022 | By Hannah Turner BK ‘23+1
Lent is more than a cultural phenomenon, and it is more than a tradition. It is a powerful time for intentional spiritual reflection. It prepares our hearts for more completely perceiving and celebrating the shared resurrection we have in Christ.

Reflections on Wilderness This Lenten Season
March 29, 2021 | By Audrey Huang BR ‘21
I first heard about the season of Lent my freshman year at Yale. Beloved Jesus lived in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan for 40 days, I heard from the pews. Thus, we mimic His fasting, we ritualize mourning, and we teach our bodies to long for Easter celebration. We learn about wilderness through the pages of a book and spiritual disciplines, like children rehearsing escape plans during school fire drills.

I hide myself
March 23, 2021 | Jason Lee TD ‘22+1
Repentance, cloaked not in Eden’s leaves, but the words of others, which are more familiar, and less agonizing to order, than any I could write myself.
“I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.”
Genesis 3:10
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