an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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The First Shall Be Last
March 16, 2022 | By Ethan Hooper H’25
Luke 13:30 “And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”
In our modern, consumption-based culture, the idea that we are not defined by our social status, economic situation, or even self-image seems impossible. Who are “the last” that Jesus is talking about? The term “last,” I believe, is vague for a reason. Each person has their own individual idea of who the last in the world are: for some, it is the lonely, for some the poor, for some the sick, and for all these, Jesus promises that they will be first in Heaven.

How (Not) To Renew a City
December 31, 2021 | by Amelia Dilworth BR’23
The Pruitt-Igoe housing projects sink into the ground one broken window at a time, sections of buildings falling in waves like rows of wounded soldiers faltering to their knees before collapsing in the rubble. Smoke rises from the ground, the same color as the crumbling gray walls. Apartments lay in the rubble ripped open like carcasses. Half-exploded buildings kneel in the remains of their brothers, awaiting destruction.
This is St. Louis, Missouri. America is bombing its own city.
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