an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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We Call This Friday Good
By Aidan Luke Stoddart ’21. Aidan is a sophomore in Eliot concentrating in the Comparative Study of Religion.
Jesus was reviled, oppressed, and afflicted. We led him like a lamb to the slaughter, to crush him with pain. He who had done no violence himself became an innocent victim of our own violence, and in spite of that, we call this Friday good.

Five Steps to Good Friday
By John Daoud, Pauli Murray College ‘21.
Glory be unto God, for it is unto Him we give thanks for having brought us to this blessed Holy Week, in which we commemorate the Passion of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. What follows are just a few short reflections I have on the orders of the week, per the tradition of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The translation used is NRSV.

The Crumbling of Hadleigh
By Trey Kinison, BR '20.
The reality is that it is much harder to picture treasure as the things that are close to my heart. The two numbers that define my academic performance, the one-page Word document that summarizes my achievements, and the 5-year plan built in my mind are much closer to my heart than any physical treasures I own. And when I attach my heart to something that does not completely fulfill, something that can always be topped or improved, then I will always be left desiring for more.

Words of Praise
By Sam Oh ’20. Sam is a senior in Quincy studying Philosophy and Computer Science.
One of the most important endeavors in our spiritual journey is to pursue an understanding of a God too holy for our full understanding. To constantly learn more and more about the character and nature of our God, and to experience the truth of who He is.

God’s Assurance in Academic Chaos
By Bella Gamboa, JE '22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
In this clamor, I regrettably have found myself distracted from the deeper significance and proper focus of the next few weeks — not the pile of readings or pages of writings I must tackle, but a man, at first glance a remarkably ordinary one, who died on a cross two millennia ago.

The True Giver
By Serena Puang, DC '22. Serena is majoring in Linguistics.
All this time I thought I was struggling to give a gift to God, but it turns out that He was trying to give a gift to me.
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