an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Good Things
April 15, 2019 | By Bradley Yam SY ’21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics and Economics.
Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
I am more blessed than I dare imagine. I am blessed with a loving family. I am blessed with generous, kind, and understanding friends. I am blessed with a place of privilege at Yale. I am blessed with many good things. It is possible that I am blessed with so many things I could hardly list them here even if I wanted to. And yet, why do I still anxiously scramble from place to place, why do I constantly fret and worry about the future, and why am I often dissatisfied with what I have?

The Joy of Repentance
March 9, 2019 | By Bradley Yam SY' 21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics and Economics.
"in thought, in word, in deed,through negligence, through weakness,through our own deliberate fault."
When the time for confession comes in our Church service, a weighty silence hangs over the congregation. I close my eyes, and bow my head. Within seconds, I feel displaced, I feel my alienation. It was a sense that I have not done what I was supposed to do, I did not say what I should have said or even meant to say, I did not even think what I ought to have thought. I am assaulted by the knowledge that I am not the man I could be, not the man I should be.

Mourning Christchurch
March 17, 2019 | By Bradley Yam SY ’21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics and Economics.
Proverbs 6:17 Here are six things God hates,and one more that he loathes with a passion:eyes that are arrogant,a tongue that lies,hands that murder the innocent,a heart that hatches evil plots,feet that race down a wicked track,a mouth that lies under oath,a troublemaker in the family.

Two Travelers on a Way
April 20, 2019 | By Bradley Yam, SY ’21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics & Economics and Computer Science.
YOSEF: Greetings! What is a young woman like yourself doing on a road such as this outside the city almost at the tenth hour?
SALOME: I am travelling to my master’s house.

Silence and Solitude
By Bradley Yam, SY ‘21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics & Economics.

He is Risen!
By Lauren Spohn ’20. Lauren is a junior in Currier studying English.
We have reached the end of our prayerful walk through this Lenten season, and we have come, at long last, to the empty tomb. Rejoice! He has risen; he has risen, indeed.
Thank you for taking this journey with us. We leave the final word to St. Matthew.
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