an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.

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Can There Be a Joyous Perfectionist?
Bible & Theology, Topical & Events The Yale Logos Bible & Theology, Topical & Events The Yale Logos

Can There Be a Joyous Perfectionist?

December 18, 2023 | By Gavin S YDS ‘25

When envisioning the ideal life at Yale—a perfect record of crafting perfect papers, always offering perfect contributions in class, and developing perfect relationships and networking connections, with perfect moments sprinkled in between—we seek a perfection so incredible to stand out among the perfectionists. Yet, the question lingers: How does joy fit into this journey? How can failure be tolerated?

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Hope Manifest
hope The Yale Logos hope The Yale Logos

Hope Manifest

December 15, 2023 | Yoska Guta TD ‘25

For some people, this seemingly harmless source of self-soothing can easily become a vicious cycle of self-dependence. Sure, one could, in theory, celebrate every positive thing that comes their way as a victory of their positive thoughts. But, they must equally bear the brunt of every unwanted outcome, as their confidence lies solely within their thoughts. Yet, they mustn’t ruminate on these negative outcomes for too long, out of fear of perpetuating such outcomes through their negative thoughts. In the long run, this circular ideology has the potential to drive people further into cycles of ignorance and blame.

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Where is God Amidst the Pain?
hope The Yale Logos hope The Yale Logos

Where is God Amidst the Pain?

December 15, 2023 | Kahlil Walker ‘24

Nevertheless, there are goods in this world that only arise in the face of hardship and pain and they are evidently invaluable to us. Though I may not understand the absolute worth of these goods over others, I have hope that God’s purposes are sufficient. It is entirely reasonable for us not to fully understand the plans of a God who is substantially wiser than we are. This—that is, the wisdom of God—is a part of what Epicirius misses in his problem of evil.

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How to Survive a Crushed Dream
hope The Yale Logos hope The Yale Logos

How to Survive a Crushed Dream

December 15, 2023 | Lily Lawler BK ‘23

During the winter months when the world is pulled into the deep sleep of hibernation, we look to the beginning of spring as a time for us to emerge from our rest into the light of longer days. The year is a breathing body moving between seasons of rest and productivity. But the world around us has turned it into a grinding machine that churns out work non-stop and year-round without fail. We have become trained to think about our lives like a perpetual season of spring, all fruit and flower with no room for barrenness.

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Terminal Despair
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Terminal Despair

December 15, 2023 | Zeki Tan MY ‘25

Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, though certainly not the first to correlate despair with disease, described despair as “the sickness unto death.” [3] As I have come to understand it, despair is at its root a relational illness whose symptoms involve a breakdown of one’s relationships: the self to one’s self, the self to the eternal, and the self to one’s community.

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This stage (of life)
hope The Yale Logos hope The Yale Logos

This stage (of life)

December 15, 2023 | Hannah Turner BK ‘24

I’m cast into the expanse of eyes as

I act to my best ability yet;

the lines I’d memorized now elude me.

Is “echoing what they said” worth my spot?

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