an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Faith, Poetry and the University: An Interview with Rowan Williams
October 22, 2024 | By Zeki Tan MY ‘25
Rowan Williams is the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury. He taught theology at Oxford and Cambridge and served as the Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, from 2013 to 2020. Dr. Williams is also a poet and translator of poetry; he published his most recent edition of Collected Poems in 2022. In February 2024 he delivered the Taylor Lectures at the Yale Divinity School. I interviewed Dr. Williams while he was in New Haven to discuss his reflections on writing poetry, intellectual life, and how both enrich and are enriched by religious belief. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Can There Be a Joyous Perfectionist?
December 18, 2023 | By Gavin S YDS ‘25
When envisioning the ideal life at Yale—a perfect record of crafting perfect papers, always offering perfect contributions in class, and developing perfect relationships and networking connections, with perfect moments sprinkled in between—we seek a perfection so incredible to stand out among the perfectionists. Yet, the question lingers: How does joy fit into this journey? How can failure be tolerated?
Good Walking Friends
December 11, 2023 | By Morgan Vannell MC ‘27
In the greatest of friendships, two come together in mutual pursuit of what it means to live out a life based on their shared love for God. Each helps the other along–at times leading and at times following, but always moving towards their mutual end.
A Child’s Mind
November 13, 2023 | By Isaac Oberman DC‘26
Jesus reminds us that the worries of this world are not important. When we worry over our status, we put ourselves before Him and His grace. When we worry over our grades and over our job prospects, we lose a little more of our optimism and our hope. We lose track of our dreams because they are only fantasies. We also lose focus on Christ and His strength. The only thing that matters is accomplishing the task directly ahead.
By Means of Unrighteous Wealth
November 7, 2023 | By Yoska Guta TD ‘26
What Jesus defines as unrighteous wealth in this passage is simply that which moths and vermin destroy, and thieves break in and steal—the temporary treasures of this earth. Jesus, therefore, is calling us, as His ambassadors, to love those around us with our temporary possessions and wealth so that “when [these temporary treasures] fail, they [the friends we make] may receive [us] into the eternal dwellings” (ESV). Though it may not be obvious, in other words, Jesus is literally calling us to use our resources and wealth to build up the kingdom of God by generously loving and giving to those around us.
A Reason to Believe
October 23, 2023 | By David Woods TD ‘26
What does it mean for the logician to accept that they cannot condense every argument into a neat set of statements, parsing their predicate logic into digestible terms as they go? Or for the philosopher: what does it feel like to encounter a set of premises from which no a priori conclusion can be deduced? At a certain point, we, as individuals, have to acknowledge that not everything life throws at us will fit into a schema or heuristic we have for making sense of the world, and Christianity is no exception.
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