an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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December 2, 2024 | By Emma Ventresca BF ‘26
When a tree falls directly in my path, I try to move it not once, not twice, but hundreds of times, only to feel exasperated in the end. It is in these moments that I have learned that overcoming hardships is more than an act of my own will; it is an acceptance of His will, an act of divine grace. God may give us the strength to lift the tree off of the path some days; and other days, he simply calls us to endure, to trust on the journey, and to allow him to show us another way to travel.

A Meal Plan for the Spirit
November 22, 2024 | By Michaela Wang BK ‘25
Handmade salads and dumplings point us to God’s love: sacrificially provided, freely given, and always satisfying. Of course, good food itself cannot fix everything, but it leads to introspective conversation and equipped me with the confidence to confide in the community back on campus.

June 25, 2022 | Anna Delamerced, MD
In pediatrics, there’s a thing called milestones. We love talking to families and children about them. Drawing a square. Tying shoe laces. Learning how to ride a bike. They’re markers of growth in a child’s development. At every annual physical exam, we check in on how they’re doing in school, what fruits and vegetables they like, how much exercise they’re getting. We love to learn about their interests, like art or music. We measure their height and weight. We show them how much they’ve grown.

Peace Without Any Answers
April 13, 2022 | By Yoska Guta TD’25
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow evil? Where is God in the midst of suffering?
Growing up, my parents always taught me that it was okay, and even good, to ask questions about and of God. And although I wanted to believe them, I was convinced that if I questioned God’s character or His decisions, He would either meet me with wrath or be deeply disappointed. So, I made a subconscious decision to never question.

A Resting Place For Our God
April 13, 2022 | By Katie Painter TD’23
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio
Et nunc, et semper
Et in sæcula saeculorum

The Insufficiency of Striving; The Sufficiency of Grace
March 21, 2022 | By Maddie Soule PC ‘25
In the thick of my second, and definitively more challenging, semester at Yale, I am becoming increasingly more aware of the temptation to run on autopilot—to exist in a sort of survival mode, doing what needs to be done without paying much attention to anything else. […] After a few weeks of trying not to fall into bad academic habits, I realized I had instead fallen into a detrimental lack of rest, release, and joy.
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