an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Taste for Transformation
Feb 5th, 2021 | By Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21+.5
The cover of Wired magazine’s March 2020 issue featured a scoop of fluorescent sherbet ice cream floating like a strange new planet amongst the stars. In the first month of the coronavirus pandemic, the piece zoomed out from earth: “Humans are headed for the cosmos, and we’re taking our appetites with us. What will fill the void when we leave Earth behind?”

Love at a Distance. Feast From Afar.
Oct 27, 2020 | By Daniel Chabeda ES ‘22
I ordered myself food through UberEats for the first time on Monday, October 19, 2020, six years after the service launched, two years after moving to college, and 18 months after I downloaded the app. I thought about why it took me so long to utilize the convenient and popular food delivery service. The app is thoroughly-vetted, the deals are great, and I am generally a homebody who enjoys keeping cozy in my room: UberEats should have been my jam! I rarely eat out (homebody) and spend money infrequently, but despite these sensible explanations, I ultimately realized that it was not a dispositional or financial quality that held me back. My reticence was based in a deep-rooted social and spiritual conception that meals exist for community.
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