an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Figs and the Labor of Love
March 20, 2022 | By Paul Georgoulis H‘22
I had a nice fresh fig the other day—fresh, not dried, which is always a treat for me. It reminded me a bit of a passage from the Gospel of Luke, wherein Jesus gives a parable about a barren fig tree. In the parable, a landowner tells his gardener to chop down a fig tree because it has yet to bear fruit. The gardener replies that he thinks that the owner should wait one more year, and allow him to water and fertilize the tree. If the tree still does not bear fruit next year, the gardener says, he will cut it down.

Looking Forward To Home
Feb 26, 2021 | By Se Ri Lee, MC ‘23+1
Over the past twentyish years of my life, I’ve had fifteenish rooms. The longest I’ve called a room home is a little under three years. I used to complain about it a lot as a kid. “Why do we have to move around so much?” I’d whine every time I had to store up my belongings in boxes.

From Prophecy to Person: A Dramaturgy on Mary
Dec 24, 2020 | By Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21 + .5
Advent feels to me like a time of collective mysticism. Art always reaches beyond the intellect, slipping past emotional defenses to shock us awake. During Advent, however, I find myself more willing to become emotionally naked and bathe in the Word spoken and sung…
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