an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Death in the Pot
Feb 5th, 2021 | By: Shayley Martin DC ‘22
You may know the God who led an entire people out of slavery by splitting a sea. Or who made a couple loaves of bread and some fish into a meal for more than 5,000 people. But there’s another story that you don’t hear about as often. It’s about the same God, but for me it makes the whole rest of the Bible hit different. I want you to meet the God of exploding cucumbers.

Honey and Holy Men
Feb 5th, 2021 | By Timothy Han SM ‘22+1
In 1909, Ezra Pound published “The Ballad of the Goodly Fere,” a retelling of the Christ story in epic tone. In Pound’s proto-fascist reading, Christ becomes not a sheep led to the slaughter, but a warrior-martyr in the tradition of William Wallace, Joan of Arc, or John Brown. The Christ figure is all-powerful, “a master of men.”

Wondering When You’d Rather Not
Sept 15, 2020 | Shayley Martin DC ‘22
You can wonder at something—stand in awe of it, find yourself unable to explain it—and you can wonder about something—examine it, ask questions about it. Human beings can do both at the same time, which is why toddlers go through the “asking 400 questions a day” phase. Say a little kid loves pulling carrots. The way they grow underground is so mind-blowing to her that she yanks them up too early, just to marvel at them. She also asks constant questions: Why are they orange? How do the roots grow if they can’t see the sun?

Armored in Light
Oct 23, 2016 | By Anna Heckler '18
When I was in kindergarten, I would joke with my dad about the gun under his bed. Can I get a gun license someday, Dad? I pleaded with him. When can I go deer hunting with you? By the time I was about ten, my eagerness to join the world of gun-holders began to falter. At age twelve, it was my father’s turn to joke with me. So when can we get your junior hunting license? He prodded. When can I teach you how to shoot?

“Close Reading”
Nov 29, 2012 | Markus Boesl TD '14
Christians have throughout history maintained the importance of a proper understanding of the scriptures. Hermeneutics, the study of interpretation and interpretive methods, largely originated in an attempt to rightly interpret and understand the Scriptures. Indeed, much of the field we now call Literary Criticism traces its methodological roots to attempts at historical Biblical interpretation.
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