an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.

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Personal & Longform The Yale Logos Personal & Longform The Yale Logos


December 2, 2024 | By Emma Ventresca BF ‘26

When a tree falls directly in my path, I try to move it not once, not twice, but hundreds of times, only to feel exasperated in the end. It is in these moments that I have learned that overcoming hardships is more than an act of my own will; it is an acceptance of His will, an act of divine grace. God may give us the strength to lift the tree off of the path some days; and other days, he simply calls us to endure, to trust on the journey, and to allow him to show us another way to travel.

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Silence and Sound: A Thought
Personal & Longform The Yale Logos Personal & Longform The Yale Logos

Silence and Sound: A Thought

Feb 13, 2013 | Valentina Guerrero PC ’19. Adapted from a YFA Christmas Devotional

How silently, how silently

The wondrous gift is given!

So God imparts to human hearts

The blessings of His heaven.

No ear may hear His coming,

But in this world of sin,

Where meek souls will receive him still,

The dear Christ enters in

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