an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Response to Sutherland Springs Shooting
Nov 15, 2017 | By Christian Olivier TC ’20
I am writing this right after the news report flashes across my computer screen. It is 2:32 p.m. on November 5, 2017.
“Mass shooting reported at Sutherland Springs church in Texas.”
Disaster after disaster I managed to keep a straight face. While hurricanes ravaged my home in the South and my friends in the Caribbean, as wildfires burned the California coast to dust, and as the crack of bullets and smell of gunpowder permeated the streets of Las Vegas I managed to solemnly read, pay my respects, and carry on with my life. This… This was the gut punch that knocked the wind out of my lungs as I come to grips with the fact that all of this horror happened in three months.

Armored in Light
Oct 23, 2016 | By Anna Heckler '18
When I was in kindergarten, I would joke with my dad about the gun under his bed. Can I get a gun license someday, Dad? I pleaded with him. When can I go deer hunting with you? By the time I was about ten, my eagerness to join the world of gun-holders began to falter. At age twelve, it was my father’s turn to joke with me. So when can we get your junior hunting license? He prodded. When can I teach you how to shoot?

Mourning Christchurch
March 17, 2019 | By Bradley Yam SY ’21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics and Economics.
Proverbs 6:17 Here are six things God hates,and one more that he loathes with a passion:eyes that are arrogant,a tongue that lies,hands that murder the innocent,a heart that hatches evil plots,feet that race down a wicked track,a mouth that lies under oath,a troublemaker in the family.
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