an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Depart with Dignity
Feb. 5th, 2021 | By Ashley Talton BR ‘23
Many of the people in the Zen Hospice end-of-life care facility, such as Mrs. M, are unable to eat. And yet, the most popular room in the house is the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly-baked cookies can be found, while people are chatting around the table. Even though the people there can’t enjoy the taste of the cookies…

Food Porn: A Desolate Cornucopia
Feb 5, 2021 | By Sharla Moody BK ‘22
With the inventions of television and the internet, virtually everything can be photographed, videotaped, and uploaded for viewing and enjoyment. In some cases, this advent has ushered in important artistic innovations, like the Golden Age of Hollywood…

Love at a Distance. Feast From Afar.
Oct 27, 2020 | By Daniel Chabeda ES ‘22
I ordered myself food through UberEats for the first time on Monday, October 19, 2020, six years after the service launched, two years after moving to college, and 18 months after I downloaded the app. I thought about why it took me so long to utilize the convenient and popular food delivery service. The app is thoroughly-vetted, the deals are great, and I am generally a homebody who enjoys keeping cozy in my room: UberEats should have been my jam! I rarely eat out (homebody) and spend money infrequently, but despite these sensible explanations, I ultimately realized that it was not a dispositional or financial quality that held me back. My reticence was based in a deep-rooted social and spiritual conception that meals exist for community.
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