an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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What Do We Fast For?
March 10, 2023 | Yoska Guta TD ‘25
During Lent, many Christians commit to times of solitude, fasts, or abstaining from certain foods, drinks, or even practices in an effort to refocus their attention on the Lord. Fasting or abstaining is often associated with discovering deeper intimacy with God—by starving one’s earthly flesh, but building their heavenly dependence in order to grow closer to the Lord. Beyond the physical aspect, it is important to reflect on the grounding principles of our partaking in this millennials-old

February 1, 2023 | Jonathan Pierre SY ‘25
The caveat to doing this kind of questioning in a way that glorifies God is to maintain intellectual humility. It’s foolish to rely absolutely on our own wisdom. If God is the same God that created all things both seen and unseen, wouldn’t it be a bit underwhelming if we could understand all of it?

Simple Humanity (An Interpreted Villanelle)
By Vienna Scott, BF ‘21. Vienna is majoring in Religious Studies and Political Science.
I, soley and errantly human, am a simple thinking thing
Reduced to a baseline irreducible complexity
Miraculous in existence of unceasing dependency

A Second Desert
By Bryce McDonald ’21. Bryce is a philosophy concentrator in Leverett House.
Nevertheless, like the Israelites, we are a stiff-necked people. At every stage in the Old Testament, we are deceiving ourselves if we read about the evil of the Israelites and believe that we would do otherwise in that situation. We must read ourselves into the story, and usually into the worst characters, in order to accurately apply Scripture to our lives. Thus, if we could approach God only by the merit of our actions, he would have to destroy us too, before we could see him face-to-face.
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