an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Fan Behavior
October 16, 2023 | Hannah Turner BK ‘23+1
The rise of social media has broken the monopoly of cable television. With just a cheap smartphone and a stable Internet connection, we create our own show. We put ourselves in a dome where we are the main character and our life is consumed by people across the world. We strive to be like Truman, forgetting that he was trapped.

Shape and be Shaped, Loved and be Loved
By Raquel Sequeira, TD ‘21. Raquel is majoring in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry.
At the start of each new school year, I find myself auditing my relationships: Who are my true friends that I will make the time to invest in this semester? Who are my fake friends—or friends I’ve been fake to? Who are the people that I wave to but don’t remember their names or where I know them from? I tally up the relationships I can’t wait to deepen this year, and those that I feel guilty about for my negligence.
Then I ask myself the more uncomfortable question: Who am I when I am with each of these people?

Thoughts on Catholic Liturgy and Expressive Individualism
By Jadan Anderson, MC ‘22. Jadan is majoring in Economics.
The rhythms became one when I allowed liturgy to challenge the idea that authenticity is only the work of one pair of hands.
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TUESDAYS 5-7PM, BK North Court Seminar
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