an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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The Age of the Prophets Has Ended (Or So We Thought)
January 20, 2022 | By Vienna Scott BF ‘21
I was vaguely aware of astrology in high school but, my real introduction occurred in my freshman year at Yale. As far as I was concerned, Leo was an actor and Cancer was a disease. But when a classmate offhandedly mentioned that there hasn’t been a Pisces president since 1897 in a seminar and the professor didn’t guffaw, I realized I needed to study up on all things above the stratosphere.

Do Emotions Distort Knowledge Pt. 2
Sept 16, 2016 | By He Li TD '17
This danger of distortion, however, is only present when emotions sway the receptive mind during the reception of an idea. If the listener does not heed to such temperaments during the receptive process, then he is at no risk of obtaining distorted knowledge. The active and receptive intellects necessarily correspond with each other when they are free from emotion. The intellect is in fact the only receptive faculty used in human communication. Emotional faculties do not receive emotions; they respond to input received by the intellect by producing emotions.

Preparing for the Rain
By Jason Lee, TD '22. Jason in majoring in Global Affairs.
First, that the visible reality of the power of God is as much a function of our belief in it as it is lightning bolts and quail flying low, and that even what feels like projection or pretending to see is not pretending at all. That we would even try to turn to God is testament to an unrecorded, unworldly strength that we can claim through Him. Second, that even if, in our hubris or our earnestness, we fail, this world and its challenges are shadows of the won war, and its consequences are not eternal, not real to our souls.
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