an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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December 2, 2024 | By Emma Ventresca BF ‘26
When a tree falls directly in my path, I try to move it not once, not twice, but hundreds of times, only to feel exasperated in the end. It is in these moments that I have learned that overcoming hardships is more than an act of my own will; it is an acceptance of His will, an act of divine grace. God may give us the strength to lift the tree off of the path some days; and other days, he simply calls us to endure, to trust on the journey, and to allow him to show us another way to travel.

Contemplating Clouds
March 13, 2023 | Marcos Barrios ES ‘24
How often do you think about clouds? Sure, you may notice them. But when was the last time you looked up and pondered them? Did you recognize them as the "wondrous works" of God?

Faces Turned Towards Glory
February 1, 2023 | Lily Lawler BK ‘23
Each sunset with clouds draped around it and every birdsong I heard in the morning pointed my face towards God’s undeniable glory. The infinitely unfolding beauty in this world was enough evidence for me that God is present with us.

The Creator’s Commission
February 1, 2023 | Marcos Barrios ES ‘24
God didn't go after Adam and fix his work, editing the names Adam chose. Certainly, God would have chosen better, more beautiful, more meaningful names for the animals. But like a father hanging up the messy scrawl of their child's artwork on the fridge, God proudly displays the work of His image bearer.

Searching for the Right Shade of Green
December 31, 2021 | By Ben Colón-Emeric TD ‘22
Everywhere along the paths of Trail Wood wildness seems near at hand. But nowhere else do we feel so remote from the world as here beside this woodland brook as it traces its serpentine course among the mosses and ferns and trees. So wild does this setting seem that one August day I even brought along an aluminum pie tin and at the little gravel bar above the ford panned for gold.
– Edwin Way Teale, “A Naturalist Buys an Old Farm”

Love is the Thing with Lightning
Sept 15, 2020 | Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21+.5
The world always darkens before a storm. Not just the sky, but the air itself, as if someone has flipped the switch for dusk too early. Every blade of grass seems to inhale with excitement and fear. For me, that excitement and fear is partially a memory: of a violent wind sweeping from the yellow sky into the New Haven streets as raindrops begin to fall on me and the boy beside me; of darting into the library just as a tree branch crashes behind us; of my heart racing like the wind and my mind crackling like the lightning and every word I say filling the air between us like a cloud ready to burst.
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