an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Let It Be Done
March 24, 2021 | By Frances Boggs
Fiat mihi—such a small phrase, and yet it changed the course of the world. Mary’s two words allowed for Christ to enter into our lives in a very real way. Through this small phrase, Mary opened the door for salvation to enter into the world. With her humble obedience, she became the mother of God and not for her own sake.

‘Til Death Do Us Part
March 2, 2021 | Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21 +.5
The words had been running through my head since before Lent—since before I moved back to New Haven to finally start my senior year. After a gap semester spent living at home, I prayed for guidance into spring and tried to be genuinely open to whatever God might ask of me. Would I be called to continue serving my family at home without a career-building job?

From Prophecy to Person: A Dramaturgy on Mary
Dec 24, 2020 | By Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21 + .5
Advent feels to me like a time of collective mysticism. Art always reaches beyond the intellect, slipping past emotional defenses to shock us awake. During Advent, however, I find myself more willing to become emotionally naked and bathe in the Word spoken and sung…
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