an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Short Defense of Fasting
February 24, 2023 | Justin Ferrugia (TD ‘24)
Lent, per its origin, is a time of solitude and fasting. It is meant to mirror Christ’s solitary journey for forty days and forty nights after his baptism. Many Christian traditions including the Catholic Church still require that Ash Wednesday and Good Friday be days of fasting for adults, and many choose to devotionally fast more frequently during Lent and throughout the year. However, in our modern culture, it seems fasting has either become the newest trick to lose weight, or written off as a medieval practice of corporal mortification for the overzealous.

To One Kneeling Down No Word Came
December 27, 2022 | Jonathan Chan
For the last four years, I have been haunted by the voice of R. S. Thomas. An Anglican priest who tended to a parish in Wales, Thomas was also a poet. His poems have stood as lodestones in the corners of my mind each time I have prayed, or sat down to write a poem of my own.

Our Meander
December 27, 2022 | Lukas Bacho SM ‘25
During my first semester at Yale, I made a habit of walking up to the Divinity School just before each of our three breaks: October, Thanksgiving, and Winter. There’s a labyrinth there, carved into the stone of a courtyard just behind Marquand Chapel.

December 27, 2022 | Justin Ferrugia TD ‘23+1
“Do the work!” This has become a command of the historically underrepresented, oppressed, and marginalized to their allies and others. It can be meant as a call to action, a cry for help, and an expression of the deep desire for change — for movement towards justice.

Peace Without Any Answers
April 13, 2022 | By Yoska Guta TD’25
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow evil? Where is God in the midst of suffering?
Growing up, my parents always taught me that it was okay, and even good, to ask questions about and of God. And although I wanted to believe them, I was convinced that if I questioned God’s character or His decisions, He would either meet me with wrath or be deeply disappointed. So, I made a subconscious decision to never question.

Praying Paradoxes
March 10, 2022 | By Joseph McDonough H’23
Reading from the book of Job, I can’t help but think of my Uncle Tom. As I write, he is fighting to recover from a serious brain surgery. He is foggy, distant; from what my Aunt Dorie tells us, it is as if he has been half asleep since the surgery. We are all praying for him, none more than my aunt, who has waited at his bedside now for a month. How do you pray at such a time? What do you say to God?
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Discuss with us what it means to think Christianly and write for our publication.