an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Godly People
March 29, 2023 | Tori Cook JE ‘26
To have one heart and one mind as a Christian people seems to mean having our will fully in line with God’s will– perfectly desiring what He desires. Herein lies the difficulty. Changing our actions is far easier than changing our wills and desires.

Believing a Person
March 13, 2022 | By Felix Perez Diener H’23
Over and over in the Scriptures is a call to a specific verb––believe. As Christians, God calls us to love one another, to care for the poor, to make disciples––but no action seems as closely tied to salvation as belief.

Batter My Heart
December 31, 2021 | Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
The famous English poet John Donne is said to have been so afraid of and obsessed about death that he, on multiple occasions, rehearsed his death by lying still in his hearse and having someone paint the dead likeness of him. Indeed, he was a poet of the English Renaissance, characterised by his polemic attitudes—in his youth, he wrote many famous erotic love poems yet moved to somber sermons in adulthood, and he even converted from the “salvation through works” Catholicism to “faith and works” Anglicanism to become an important preacher in the Church of England. Ostensibly, he was a troubled figure, full of personal vacillations and characterised by contradictions—not unlike many Christians today.

Forty Words On These Forty Days
March 6, 2021 | By Shayley Martin DC ‘22
God wrote His law on my heart but it feels dry erase.

Not in a Hurry
Sept 20, 2020 | By Serena Puang DC ‘22 + 1
I came across “Not in a Hurry” at an Augustine Collective Conference in January, which now feels a world away. I was struck then by the lyrics because not being “in a hurry” is antithetical to my life at Yale. I am in a hurry! In fact, I rarely even listen to music because I’m in such a hurry that I don’t have time. After quarantine started, my extracurriculars and places to go were gone. I did the math, and between commuting and extracurriculars that no longer existed, I was allegedly saving 23 hours per week, but I was still rushing around.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Miracles
Sept 15, 2020 | By Serena Puang DC ‘22+1
In 2019, members of Bethel Church implored the world to join them in asking God to raise two-year-old Olive Heiligenthal from the dead. For six days, people gathered to pray, worship, and declare resurrection power over Olive, but she never woke up.
Incidents like these and more everyday occurrences such as seemingly unanswered prayers for loved ones make it hard to trust accounts of miracles or even hope that they will come. Sometimes the seemingly unanswered prayer is waved off by the supplicant’s lack of faith. Alternatively, it is seen as proof that no higher being is listening.
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