an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Better Than Happiness
March 31, 2022 | By Sharla Moody BK’22
Since coming to college, I’ve noticed an emphasis on self-care, which I understand to mean the actions one takes to preserve one’s own health and well-being. Especially since the beginning of the pandemic, I have adopted habits to keep me grounded and healthy, like taking walks and baking to de-stress. Encouraging people to take stock of their mental health and build healthy habits has clear, unambiguous good effects. But at times, our understanding of self-care can become a complete prioritization of the self in a way that overlooks the fundamentals of living as a person in community. If I am prioritizing myself in all situations, this will come into tension with how I prioritize the communities of which I am a part. While I have responsibilities to myself, I also have responsibilities to others.

What Is It All About?
By Titilayo Mabogunje, GH '20.
However, in a culture where there is so much emphasis on what “I” can do and how “I” should control my time and how “I” need to look out for my best interest, the gospel message seems extremely radical. It says it’s not about what “I” can do; it’s not about or how awesome “I” am; it’s not even about how sinful “I” am. Rather, it’s all about what God has done and who He is.
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