an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Terror at the Cross, Transformed
April 15, 2022 | By Jadan Anderson MC’22
On that Friday, we looked at Jesus on the cross and were appalled. From what did we avert our eyes?
With guilty relief and a strange sense of injustice, we try to grasp how in God’s just world this perfect Man would die our deaths. How could we look? How could we look away?

March 25, 2022 | By Marcella VillaGomez DC ‘24
This past Valentine’s Day, my Mom gave me a bouquet of tulips that had yet to blossom. After picking them up from the Whole Foods courier, I found a mason jar, filled it with water, and placed the tulips by my windowsill. Day after day, I watched them bloom, slowly but surely, reaching towards the sun as if they were straining their necks. What I soon noticed, however, was that the tulips positioned further away from the window received almost no sunlight. Under the shadow cast by the other tulips, they wilted and died.

Playing at Lent
Feb 23, 2021 | By Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Divinity and Law.
I have always thought that Lent is a dangerous time for Christians. This time in the church year I fear tempts us to play at being a Christian. We are to discipline our lives during Lent in order to discover and repent of those sins that prevent us from the wholehearted worship of God. That is a perfectly appropriate ambition, but we are not very good at it. We are not very good at it because in general we are not very impressive sinners.

If You Give a Man a Kit Kat
Feb. 5th, 2021 | By Daniel Chabeda ES ‘22
He is crying, quietly because he’s already a spectacle lying in the mulch beside the only path to the laundry room. You wish you didn’t recognize him, but you already made eye contact through his curtain of tears. Maybe it’s an orgo midterm again, you think charitably.

Definition of the Gospel, an Exercise of Brevity
Dec 2, 2012 | By Richard Lee MC ’14
The Bible course at YFA (Yale Faith and Action) is on the Epistle to Romans this semester. As homework, the students were told to prepare a one-minute long explanation on the Gospel according to what Paul presented in Romans. Here is something I wrote, which I shall copy verbatim shamelessly.

Lessons From the ER
Dec 5, 2012 | Rodney Evans PC'14
So it was the final week of my sophomore year in college. My final exams were scattered throughout the week and studying was not an “optional” task. I meticulously planned the way my week would go, allotting the appropriate amount of study time needed for each exam. As I sat down in the library planning my week on Sunday, I had no idea that I would be confined to a hospital bed, IV in arm, the night before my Saturday final. But God knew. As a Christian, I realize that there is nothing that can happen in my life which is outside of God’s control. For, as the scripture says, “all things work together for good ” in the life that truly belongs to Christ. That being said, there were a couple of simple, but grace-filled lessons I learned in my first ever stay at a hospital in probably the most inconvenient time of the year.
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