an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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In Our Ascent
March 3, 2023 | Lily Lawler BK ‘23
Some parts of the Bible can feel so culturally specific to the time they were written that we find ourselves needing to cross-check our understanding with descriptions in study Bibles and other resources. But the beauty of many Psalms is that these are songs that need no context or explanation – they are the purest plea from the soul that people have shared in since King David’s time.

Love is the Thing with Lightning
Sept 15, 2020 | Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21+.5
The world always darkens before a storm. Not just the sky, but the air itself, as if someone has flipped the switch for dusk too early. Every blade of grass seems to inhale with excitement and fear. For me, that excitement and fear is partially a memory: of a violent wind sweeping from the yellow sky into the New Haven streets as raindrops begin to fall on me and the boy beside me; of darting into the library just as a tree branch crashes behind us; of my heart racing like the wind and my mind crackling like the lightning and every word I say filling the air between us like a cloud ready to burst.
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TUESDAYS 5-7PM, BK North Court Seminar
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