an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Faces Turned Towards Glory
February 1, 2023 | Lily Lawler BK ‘23
Each sunset with clouds draped around it and every birdsong I heard in the morning pointed my face towards God’s undeniable glory. The infinitely unfolding beauty in this world was enough evidence for me that God is present with us.

How Firm a Foundation: Pandemic Science Tests The Limits of Our trust
January 20, 2022 | By Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21.5
“I’ve never felt as dependent as I am today on shaky data to make what could be life or death decisions.” I was struck reading the words of Dr. Neel Shah, an obstetrician describing what it’s like to care for pregnant patients in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. [1] As I watch the world through my internet browser, scientific facts seem to flip-flop like pundits. A graph of biotech stocks, responding to daily progress reports from the companies racing to produce a vaccine, might as well be tracking the sentiments of Facebook users as each new pandemic model urges hope or despair.

Truth in the Psych Ward
March 4, 2021 | By Serena Riddle BF ‘21
Trigger warning: Suicide, self-harm
The ER was overbooked, as it tends to be these days, so I was put in one of many beds lining the hallway by the nurses’ station. From my position, I could see and hear the rest of the folks in my section, which gave me something else to meditate on for those 14 hectic hours other than my own miseries. Almost every patient around me was in for depression or suicidal ideation, too

Just Beyond the Veil
Dec. 1, 2020 | By Luke Bell PC ‘23
What is truth? When I was sixteen, that was the question I desperately wished to answer. All my life I had been raised in a Christian home where we punctually attended Christian church, prayed Christian prayers, read Christian books and sang Christian songs. But as a homeschooler entering public school in ninth grade, I encountered worldviews dissimilar from my own.
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