an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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The Suffering Servant
April 7, 2023 | Han Choi BF ‘24
As Christians, this is our defining heartcry—to be more like Jesus. The original Greek word Christianos (Christ meaning “the anointed” and tian meaning “little”) literally translates to “little Christs,” or “little anointed ones.” We are meant to be little Jesuses.

What is Biblical Joy?
April 3, 2023 | Michaela Wang BK ‘25
One of the most perplexing yet ubiquitous terms I’ve encountered is “joy in Christ.” When trying to draw non-Christian friends closer to God, or while comforting a Christian friend through a difficult season, I found myself confused by what I meant with this term––and worse, struggling to attest to this feeling I was promulgating. Have I felt joy in Christ? What is it in the first place? What does my misunderstanding of it reflect about the state of my heart?

December 18, 2021 | By Serena Puang, DC ‘22+1
The seat you choose on the first day in journalism class has a major impact on how the next month in the class is going to go. The first assignment is always to write a 2000-word profile of the person who sits beside you during the first class, and you have to talk to at least 15 people in their life to understand what makes them tick.

Oct 4, 2020 | By Jason Lee TD ‘22.5
The only book I’ve ever stolen is a book of Korean myths. At the time, I’d only ever heard the versions my mother told me when I was younger. She’s a wonderful storyteller and invested much time and attention into ensuring I dreamt about the same characters she did. Dokkae-bis, dragon kings, tigers, a miserable fool of a frog— I loved folklore, and though they had to share space with Pokemon and Iron Giant, these characters became a consuming fixation.

Peace, Which Transcends All Understanding, Including a Yalie's
Oct 24, 2012 | By April Koh TD ‘14
We hear it a lot in the Christian community: "Lord, give us Your peace, which transcends all understanding."
It's almost become cliché -- like, whenever we say "peace," we have to tack on that verse from Philippians 4:7: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
But what on earth does "transcend[ing] all understanding" entail? What does that peace even look like?
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