an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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February 1, 2023 | Jonathan Pierre SY ‘25
The caveat to doing this kind of questioning in a way that glorifies God is to maintain intellectual humility. It’s foolish to rely absolutely on our own wisdom. If God is the same God that created all things both seen and unseen, wouldn’t it be a bit underwhelming if we could understand all of it?
February 1, 2023 | Justin Ferrugia TD ‘24
The example of St. Dominic’s Church, however, reframes the question: how do we know when a tradition that has been discarded can be useful to solve a modern problem?
December 27, 2022 | Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
Industry the waft of freshly pressed, freshly roasted morning coffee. Hiss, sputter, rush out of the filter into the carafe.
We Can Do Better Than Work-Life Balance
December 27, 2022 | Shayley Martin DC ‘22
The ideal of work-life balance is as old as the Industrial Revolution. Yet, major health research labs and news outlets still regularly churn out articles on it.
Dream Job
December 27, 2022 | Amelia Dilworth BR ‘23
I’m 30, and my life is perfect.
To One Kneeling Down No Word Came
December 27, 2022 | Jonathan Chan
For the last four years, I have been haunted by the voice of R. S. Thomas. An Anglican priest who tended to a parish in Wales, Thomas was also a poet. His poems have stood as lodestones in the corners of my mind each time I have prayed, or sat down to write a poem of my own.
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