an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Life City
February 1, 2023 | Amelia Dilworth BR ‘23
Sometimes when I look at my Google Calendar, I think of each hour as a city block, and all my events as buildings I’ve constructed in the city of my life.
And sometimes, I think—this is not a city I’d want to live in.

The Insufficiency of Striving; The Sufficiency of Grace
March 21, 2022 | By Maddie Soule PC ‘25
In the thick of my second, and definitively more challenging, semester at Yale, I am becoming increasingly more aware of the temptation to run on autopilot—to exist in a sort of survival mode, doing what needs to be done without paying much attention to anything else. […] After a few weeks of trying not to fall into bad academic habits, I realized I had instead fallen into a detrimental lack of rest, release, and joy.

Your Will Be Done
March 24, 2021 | By Katherine Matsukawa BK ‘23
I pray that I will decrease and that you will increase.
Use me, Lord.
Your will be done.
Growing up, whenever I heard someone pray these words, I’d typically think, good for them...but I could never pray those things sincerely.

‘Til Death Do Us Part
March 2, 2021 | Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21 +.5
The words had been running through my head since before Lent—since before I moved back to New Haven to finally start my senior year. After a gap semester spent living at home, I prayed for guidance into spring and tried to be genuinely open to whatever God might ask of me. Would I be called to continue serving my family at home without a career-building job?
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