an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Folks Who Know Jesus Well
March 15, 2023 | Jonathan Pierre SY ‘25
Lately though, it feels like things have been everything but spiritual. Anxiety has felt more real–oftentimes replacing the peace of the Holy Spirit. A sense of hopelessness has tried to dry up my faith. And a deep feeling of irritability has attempted to replace a love for others.

Crawling back to God
March 28, 2022 | By Valerie Pavilonis MC ‘22
When I realized this, I felt a cosmic shock. I have always been able to imagine God behind me, His hand on my shoulder. When I realized I felt an absence instead, another layer of panic, deeper and stronger than ever before, added itself to my existing anxieties.

Numbers Be Damned
January 20, 2022 | By Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
Memory is like a haze that gradually sharpens into focus as one grows up. One of my earliest, albeit haziest, memories is of Saturday afternoons when I was nine years old. For any child that age, Saturday afternoons were synonymous with pee-wee baseball games, time spent hanging from tree castles or playing in the sand. For me, Saturday afternoons were the longest afternoons of the week. Instead of basking in the gentle sunshine, I spent those afternoons suffocated by harsh, luminous lights that dangled from the ceilings of my “tuition center.” And I was not the only one.

Climate Despair and Our Death Wish
January 20, 2022 | By Sharla Moody BK ‘22
Water surges past the Statue of Liberty’s waist, empties into the crowded rush hour streets of Manhattan. Cars, trucks, and buses surf on the wall of filthy water bearing down on terrified bystanders. The sky erupts with hail the size of basketballs, indiscriminately falling on people frantically running to take shelter. Enormous tornados engulf entire skyscrapers in Los Angeles, spitting rubble down onto screaming bystanders, the carnage raining down beyond any Old Testament judgment.

Response to Sutherland Springs Shooting
Nov 15, 2017 | By Christian Olivier TC ’20
I am writing this right after the news report flashes across my computer screen. It is 2:32 p.m. on November 5, 2017.
“Mass shooting reported at Sutherland Springs church in Texas.”
Disaster after disaster I managed to keep a straight face. While hurricanes ravaged my home in the South and my friends in the Caribbean, as wildfires burned the California coast to dust, and as the crack of bullets and smell of gunpowder permeated the streets of Las Vegas I managed to solemnly read, pay my respects, and carry on with my life. This… This was the gut punch that knocked the wind out of my lungs as I come to grips with the fact that all of this horror happened in three months.

Peace, Which Transcends All Understanding, Including a Yalie's
Oct 24, 2012 | By April Koh TD ‘14
We hear it a lot in the Christian community: "Lord, give us Your peace, which transcends all understanding."
It's almost become cliché -- like, whenever we say "peace," we have to tack on that verse from Philippians 4:7: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
But what on earth does "transcend[ing] all understanding" entail? What does that peace even look like?
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