an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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This stage (of life)
December 15, 2023 | Hannah Turner BK ‘24
I’m cast into the expanse of eyes as
I act to my best ability yet;
the lines I’d memorized now elude me.
Is “echoing what they said” worth my spot?

Life City
February 1, 2023 | Amelia Dilworth BR ‘23
Sometimes when I look at my Google Calendar, I think of each hour as a city block, and all my events as buildings I’ve constructed in the city of my life.
And sometimes, I think—this is not a city I’d want to live in.

Two Ways to Get Home
By Bradley Yam, SY ‘21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics & Economics and Computer Science.
College is a place filled with worry enough, especially for bright-eyed newcomers to the hallowed halls of the Academy. Those among them who have faith often carry an added burden: the fear of losing it.

On Faith and the Coronavirus
By Serena Puang, DC ‘22. Serena is majoring in Linguistics.
Faith in the face of coronavirus is not blindly insisting on meeting as a church per usual and ignoring the real dangers that this pandemic can pose for people (though many churches are still faithfully meeting and taking precautions). It is not ignoring the problem or wishing it away.

God’s Assurance in Academic Chaos
By Bella Gamboa, JE '22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
In this clamor, I regrettably have found myself distracted from the deeper significance and proper focus of the next few weeks — not the pile of readings or pages of writings I must tackle, but a man, at first glance a remarkably ordinary one, who died on a cross two millennia ago.
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TUESDAYS 5-7PM, BK North Court Seminar
Discuss with us what it means to think Christianly and write for our publication.