an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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In Search of Perfect Friendship
February 1, 2023 | Yoska Guta TD ‘25
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think our fallouts with others are due to the flaws of a select few individuals. Rather, this constant failure is due to a deep insufficiency that runs rampant within each of us. One that prevents us from being, and finding that whole and perfect friend that we all seek.

Why We Don’t Say What We Mean
January 20, 2022 | By Serena Puang DC ‘22+1
I grew up in Arkansas, but for most of the last eight months, I’ve lived with my aunt and grandma in Taiwan. This lent itself to more than a few moments of culture shock and miscommunication. For the first two months, I felt like no one at church or in my ballroom dancing club wanted to be my friend. I would say hi and try to make conversation, but it always felt one sided.
These interactions led me to conclude that Taiwanese people, in general, were not friendly. After all, if a new person had showed up at my church/school/club meeting, I would never treat them that way. Was there something wrong with me? What was I doing that was putting people off?

Jesus: Friend of Sinners
Feb 2, 2016 | by Nicholas Dacosta, DC '18
Jesus Christ has been one of the most influential and controversial figures in history. Embodying a message of radical love and a system of values antithetical to that of his day, Jesus’ teachings were contentious and unpalatable in a world where legalistic obedience and worthiness were inextricably linked. The church, as conceived after the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry, was intended to be the extension and manifestation of Jesus’ message of divine reconciliation here on earth. Historically, however, the church has been a source of division and derision, often creating a dichotomy of us-versus-them between believers and non-believers. This separation between the ecclesiastical and secular flies in the face of the message of the Gospel. Looking closely at the life and teachings of Jesus, we see that isolating oneself from those who are perceived to be “unclean” is completely contrary to the Gospel. Jesus Christ, rightly understood, has always been the defender of the downtrodden, the champion of the disinherited, and a friend of sinners.

To the One Who Not Only Speaks, But Listens
Nov 6, 2016 | Unknown
You and I worship a God who crafted the earth by simply speaking things into being, and planted entire planets in the universe, and sculpted the earth with mountains and valleys, and painted the sky with colors we can only dare to imitate. But I’ve always loved how beautifully David captures the intimacy of God. He wonders:
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8, ESV)

Father or Friend: Take Your Pick
Oct 17, 2012 | April Koh TD ‘14
One of my favorite parts of Mass is the "Our Father" prayer.
I love reciting a common, divine prayer, once uttered word for word by Jesus himself, with a large congregation. I love the communal pauses and the unified beats in the rhythm of the words. I also love the content of the prayer. I love the prayer's simplicity and humility beginning with: "Our Father, who art in Heaven..."
This phrase brings to mind families and in particular, fathers, especially with the social issues in politics these days. You hear "the institution of marriage" or "institution of family" a lot.
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