an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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December 27, 2022 | Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
Industry the waft of freshly pressed, freshly roasted morning coffee. Hiss, sputter, rush out of the filter into the carafe.

5:00 a.m. at the Airport
Jan 17, 2013 | Shelly Kim PC '15
Every time it's time to leave New Haven to go back to LA or leave LA to go to New Haven, I become extremely emotional and filled with anxiety. When I come home, I feel as if I am putting the past several months of my life on hold, unable to control or carry out my Yale life from home. When I go back to school, I am nervous for the new semester: how will I grow? what will I learn? who will I love?
The last question always fills me with a sense of dread (because love takes time, effort, and risk, and people too often disappoint). Yet it's the only question truly worth asking.
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