an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Richness in the Desert
Feb 5th, 2021 | By Bella Gamboa JE ‘22
Longing is a familiar feeling. We miss those we love who are far away from us; we yearn for a return to normalcy and the end of this pandemic; we literally, physically hunger as every few hours our bodies require additional sustenance. In Psalm 63, King David of Israel, the psalmist according to the psalm’s title, captures in beautiful but fraught language his longing—for God.

Hunger and Thirst
Ana Yee ’21 is a History & Science concentrator living in Kirkland House.
When we recognize that our physical needs are a means to understanding our spiritual need, we give our experiences value while keeping them properly submitted to the grander process of spiritual growth. Lent is a time to intentionally put ourselves in a place of physical need through fasting or forgoing pleasure so that we can better understand and express our spiritual longing for God.
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