an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Easter Sunday
April 4, 2021 | By Serena Puang, DC ‘22 + 1
Happy Easter! He is Risen! It has been our honor to journey with you through Lent for the past seven weeks. I hope that wherever you are: whether at home or miles away, whether on fire for God or burnt out, you can take some time today to reflect on the miracle of the resurrection and its implications.

Reflections on Wilderness This Lenten Season
March 29, 2021 | By Audrey Huang BR ‘21
I first heard about the season of Lent my freshman year at Yale. Beloved Jesus lived in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan for 40 days, I heard from the pews. Thus, we mimic His fasting, we ritualize mourning, and we teach our bodies to long for Easter celebration. We learn about wilderness through the pages of a book and spiritual disciplines, like children rehearsing escape plans during school fire drills.

Be Thou My Vision: A Reflection
By Bella Gamboa, JE ‘22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
Even in times when I feel farthest from God, hymns have had a singular ability to remind me of who He is and of his presence. Praise to God overflows in song, and so singing also reminds us of who we are in Him and how we ought to relate to Him.

The Vicar
By Bella Gamboa, JE ‘22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
He is quite the picture of unexamined and undisrupted routine — small habits and complacency define his days — and unengaged faith. And there are times when even those who are active in faith, unlike the Vicar, fall into complacency, in our daily lives and in our relationships with God.

Psalm 91
By John Daoud, MY ‘21. John is majoring in Near Eastern Studies.
It’s no secret, I’m a control freak. I like to be in charge, down to the detail. But here, this verse reminds me that I am absolutely nothing and that God is everything. God is all-powerful, all-mighty, and all-knowing. And more importantly (at least as far as I’m concerned), He’s got my back. Thousands can fall, but it is through His power and love that I have not. Isn’t that incredible? I think so. And so, for now at least, it’s enough.

Preparing for the Rain
By Jason Lee, TD '22. Jason in majoring in Global Affairs.
First, that the visible reality of the power of God is as much a function of our belief in it as it is lightning bolts and quail flying low, and that even what feels like projection or pretending to see is not pretending at all. That we would even try to turn to God is testament to an unrecorded, unworldly strength that we can claim through Him. Second, that even if, in our hubris or our earnestness, we fail, this world and its challenges are shadows of the won war, and its consequences are not eternal, not real to our souls.
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