an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
search our writing:
A Reason to Believe
October 23, 2023 | By David Woods TD ‘26
What does it mean for the logician to accept that they cannot condense every argument into a neat set of statements, parsing their predicate logic into digestible terms as they go? Or for the philosopher: what does it feel like to encounter a set of premises from which no a priori conclusion can be deduced? At a certain point, we, as individuals, have to acknowledge that not everything life throws at us will fit into a schema or heuristic we have for making sense of the world, and Christianity is no exception.
Fan Behavior
October 16, 2023 | Hannah Turner BK ‘23+1
The rise of social media has broken the monopoly of cable television. With just a cheap smartphone and a stable Internet connection, we create our own show. We put ourselves in a dome where we are the main character and our life is consumed by people across the world. We strive to be like Truman, forgetting that he was trapped.
The Suffering Servant
April 7, 2023 | Han Choi BF ‘24
As Christians, this is our defining heartcry—to be more like Jesus. The original Greek word Christianos (Christ meaning “the anointed” and tian meaning “little”) literally translates to “little Christs,” or “little anointed ones.” We are meant to be little Jesuses.
For the Sake of the Kingdom
April 5, 2023 | Emma Ventresca, BF ‘26
To put it concisely, living a Christian life is difficult. It requires courage, strength, and complete surrender. Sometimes, we fall away from authentic Christian living due to the stifling pressures and anxieties of the world. But when we truly say fiat, “let it be done,” the love of Christ acts as our shield.
What is Biblical Joy?
April 3, 2023 | Michaela Wang BK ‘25
One of the most perplexing yet ubiquitous terms I’ve encountered is “joy in Christ.” When trying to draw non-Christian friends closer to God, or while comforting a Christian friend through a difficult season, I found myself confused by what I meant with this term––and worse, struggling to attest to this feeling I was promulgating. Have I felt joy in Christ? What is it in the first place? What does my misunderstanding of it reflect about the state of my heart?
To the Suffering Christian
April 1, 2023 | Kane Xu MC ‘25
Your suffering may not be the same as my suffering, but we share one hope: Jesus. I am still in the fire, but I have learned a few things that have brought me tremendous victories amidst the darkness.
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TUESDAYS 5-7PM, BK North Court Seminar
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