an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Richness in the Desert
Feb 5th, 2021 | By Bella Gamboa JE ‘22
Longing is a familiar feeling. We miss those we love who are far away from us; we yearn for a return to normalcy and the end of this pandemic; we literally, physically hunger as every few hours our bodies require additional sustenance. In Psalm 63, King David of Israel, the psalmist according to the psalm’s title, captures in beautiful but fraught language his longing—for God.

Love Thy Neighbor
Sept 13, 2020 | By Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
It was just after midnight last night. There were raucous shouts coming from Cross Campus. I craned my neck out the window and beheld throngs of college students mere inches from each other, merry-making, to celebrate the end of their two-week quarantine. I can almost imagine the conversations going on (at a distance of less than six feet, of course). “I was SO bored during quarantine. I want to live the full, real college life that I deserve, not this subpar quarantined version.”

Hunger and Thirst
Ana Yee ’21 is a History & Science concentrator living in Kirkland House.
When we recognize that our physical needs are a means to understanding our spiritual need, we give our experiences value while keeping them properly submitted to the grander process of spiritual growth. Lent is a time to intentionally put ourselves in a place of physical need through fasting or forgoing pleasure so that we can better understand and express our spiritual longing for God.

The Distance from Here to Paradise: Restoring Community
By Sharla Moody, BK ‘22. Sharla is majoring in English.
Is Paradise for ourselves and for our campus just around the corner, after the next protest, after the next wellness discussion? Perhaps. But perhaps our desires for justice, home, and contentedness, though extraordinarily noble pursuits, are too temporal to sustain us and too blurry around the edges to formulate in a way that is good for everyone.

Delaying Desire: When Tomorrow Never Comes
By Bradley Yam, SY ‘21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics & Economics and Computer Science.
When John and I sat down under the beautiful beams of Berkeley’s Dining hall to swap stories about our novel and wondrous versions of The Yale Experience™. Our conversation was charged with awe, but also an accompanying anxiety to make the most of our time here. Out of the blue, John asks, “But really, are you satisfied?”

A Fear of Far Drops
By Bella Gamboa, JE ‘22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
What, then, is the distinction between productive intellectual pursuits, and the destructive desire for preeminence that dooms Daedalus?
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