an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Easter Sunday
April 4, 2021 | By Serena Puang, DC ‘22 + 1
Happy Easter! He is Risen! It has been our honor to journey with you through Lent for the past seven weeks. I hope that wherever you are: whether at home or miles away, whether on fire for God or burnt out, you can take some time today to reflect on the miracle of the resurrection and its implications.

Definition of the Gospel, an Exercise of Brevity
Dec 2, 2012 | By Richard Lee MC ’14
The Bible course at YFA (Yale Faith and Action) is on the Epistle to Romans this semester. As homework, the students were told to prepare a one-minute long explanation on the Gospel according to what Paul presented in Romans. Here is something I wrote, which I shall copy verbatim shamelessly.

Some Thoughts after Nine Lessons and Carols, with Apology for Rambling
Dec 2, 2012 | Richard Lee MC ’14
I don’t always visit Battell Chapel, but when I did, I was almost overcome with emotions at the Nine Lessons and Carols Service. This service, originally conceived at the King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, has been (at least during my three year at Yale) a regularity attended by many students and University faculties. If you have never been to this service before, I strongly implore you to do so next year, or watch the Cambridge live broadcast on BBC.

He is Risen!
By Lauren Spohn ’20. Lauren is a junior in Currier studying English.
We have reached the end of our prayerful walk through this Lenten season, and we have come, at long last, to the empty tomb. Rejoice! He has risen; he has risen, indeed.
Thank you for taking this journey with us. We leave the final word to St. Matthew.
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