an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Easter Sunday
April 4, 2021 | By Serena Puang, DC ‘22 + 1
Happy Easter! He is Risen! It has been our honor to journey with you through Lent for the past seven weeks. I hope that wherever you are: whether at home or miles away, whether on fire for God or burnt out, you can take some time today to reflect on the miracle of the resurrection and its implications.

Prone to Wander
March 15, 2021 | By Ashley Talton BR ‘23
Growing up in a traditional Southern Baptist church, I heard hymns played on the piano every Sunday. Although I tend to prefer modern Christian music, lately I’ve been remembering to appreciate the beauty of hymns that Christians have sung for hundreds of years.

Translations of Swahili Hymns
By Vienna Scott, BF ‘21. Vienna is majoring in Religious Studies and Political Science.
For the reader's edification in meditation and appreciation of Swahili culture and language.

Be Thou My Vision: A Reflection
By Bella Gamboa, JE ‘22. Bella is majoring in Humanities.
Even in times when I feel farthest from God, hymns have had a singular ability to remind me of who He is and of his presence. Praise to God overflows in song, and so singing also reminds us of who we are in Him and how we ought to relate to Him.

Blessed Are Those Who Have Mercy
By John Daoud, MY ‘21. John is majoring in Near Eastern Studies.
“Blessed are those who have mercy
Who give to the poor and fast and pray
The Holy Spirit will fill their hearts
The Son will show them mercy on judgement day”
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TUESDAYS 5-7PM, BK North Court Seminar
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