an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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A Persistent God
February 27, 2023 | Caleb Mangesho BK ‘26
In mourning, “good” meant showing emotion, but not too much. “Good”, irrational as it seemed, meant keeping my naked grief to myself. So I let my sadness settle into an open resentment of God, this savior who left me to suffer alone in the darkest moment of my life, and the people around me who encouraged me to follow Him. I wouldn’t let myself be loved. I came to Yale sure that God and his love would wither away like a rose, pretty in the summer, dead in the winter.

A Funeral Song
April 5, 2022 | By Nathan Moran BF ‘24
Why do we mourn? Has God not conquered death? Why do we fast? Has God not filled the hungry with good things? Why, when Christ has overcome the grave, when the morning stars sing together and all the sons and daughters of God shout for joy, do we sing a funeral dirge?

The Waiting and the Wailing
March 14, 2022 | By Karis Ryu YDS’23
To believe in Jesus Christ is to believe in the God-man sent to die for the healing and renewal of the Creator’s world: to believe in suffering and healing, hand in hand. We must feel sorrow in order to also feel the necessity, impact, and joy of Jesus Christ’s act of ultimate and utter service when it comes—over and over again.

We Are an Easter People
March 20, 2021 | By Andrew Forrester
So why all the doom and gloom? If our Lord and Savior really is risen, and our sins have really been forgiven, why should we be sorrowful at all? During Lent, our preparation for the joy we take in the day of the resurrection, should we not be joyful since we know what’s coming?

Mourning Christchurch
March 17, 2019 | By Bradley Yam SY ’21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics and Economics.
Proverbs 6:17 Here are six things God hates,and one more that he loathes with a passion:eyes that are arrogant,a tongue that lies,hands that murder the innocent,a heart that hatches evil plots,feet that race down a wicked track,a mouth that lies under oath,a troublemaker in the family.
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