an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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Against Bitterness
March 11, 2022 | By Jonathan Chan
Forty days. That’s the length of time Christ spent in the Judaean Desert, fasting and praying in solitude. In the accounts contained in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the devil appears, bearing temptations that cut to the very heart of Jesus’ desires – to turn stones to bread to relieve His physical hunger, to summon angels to break His fall if He jumps from a cliff, and to worship the tempter in return for dominion over the kingdoms of the world.
A Psalm A Day
November 7, 2021 | By Shi Wen Yeo MC ‘23
One of my favourite parts about Sunday mornings is walking into church and smelling the musty pews gently speckled with the mid-morning sun, and seeing the rows upon rows of pews, pews that are usually littered with hymnals and psalters. I have been doing some reflection on this recently. What does it mean that hymnals or psalters are usually distributed as separate books as opposed to the rest of the Bible?

To the One Who Not Only Speaks, But Listens
Nov 6, 2016 | Unknown
You and I worship a God who crafted the earth by simply speaking things into being, and planted entire planets in the universe, and sculpted the earth with mountains and valleys, and painted the sky with colors we can only dare to imitate. But I’ve always loved how beautifully David captures the intimacy of God. He wonders:
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8, ESV)

Psalm 42
By Bradley Yam, SY ‘21. Bradley is majoring in Ethics, Politics & Economics and Computer Science
Then hear, hear my soul,
That other voice of sorrow,
It cries, "forgive them, Father"
"I will never let them go"
"Oh I will never let you go"

By Samantha Seto. Samantha majored in English.
The red wine of God consumes all.

Psalm 91
By John Daoud, MY ‘21. John is majoring in Near Eastern Studies.
It’s no secret, I’m a control freak. I like to be in charge, down to the detail. But here, this verse reminds me that I am absolutely nothing and that God is everything. God is all-powerful, all-mighty, and all-knowing. And more importantly (at least as far as I’m concerned), He’s got my back. Thousands can fall, but it is through His power and love that I have not. Isn’t that incredible? I think so. And so, for now at least, it’s enough.
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