an undergraduate journal of Christian thought.
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What is Wonder
Sept 15, 2020 | By Kayla Bartsch GH ‘20
What is wonder but an apology?
Evidence of spirit flowing from soil,
a constant effulgence of that first
Utterance which produced a radiance
that is yet to be told.

Wondering When You’d Rather Not
Sept 15, 2020 | Shayley Martin DC ‘22
You can wonder at something—stand in awe of it, find yourself unable to explain it—and you can wonder about something—examine it, ask questions about it. Human beings can do both at the same time, which is why toddlers go through the “asking 400 questions a day” phase. Say a little kid loves pulling carrots. The way they grow underground is so mind-blowing to her that she yanks them up too early, just to marvel at them. She also asks constant questions: Why are they orange? How do the roots grow if they can’t see the sun?

Love is the Thing with Lightning
Sept 15, 2020 | Raquel Sequeira TD ‘21+.5
The world always darkens before a storm. Not just the sky, but the air itself, as if someone has flipped the switch for dusk too early. Every blade of grass seems to inhale with excitement and fear. For me, that excitement and fear is partially a memory: of a violent wind sweeping from the yellow sky into the New Haven streets as raindrops begin to fall on me and the boy beside me; of darting into the library just as a tree branch crashes behind us; of my heart racing like the wind and my mind crackling like the lightning and every word I say filling the air between us like a cloud ready to burst.

Sept 15, 2020 | Jadan Anderson MC ‘22
It might seem a bit absurd, given the dire situation of the nation and the greater world, to put out a journal themed around something so seemingly privileged. It is easy to think that wonder, in the sense of standing in awe of the beautiful, good, and enrapturing, is only afforded to those carefree with youth or leisure. Most others count it a luxury.

Wonder Women
Sept 15, 2020 | By Sharmaine Koh SM ‘22
When D.C.’s Wonder Woman hit the box offices in 2017, it was met with remarkable enthusiasm. “Groundbreaking,” “Revolutionary,” “absolutely empowering!”: the first superhero movie with a female lead and a female director in more than a decade, the film revitalized an entertainment industry that has never been known for recognising female achievement.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Miracles
Sept 15, 2020 | By Serena Puang DC ‘22+1
In 2019, members of Bethel Church implored the world to join them in asking God to raise two-year-old Olive Heiligenthal from the dead. For six days, people gathered to pray, worship, and declare resurrection power over Olive, but she never woke up.
Incidents like these and more everyday occurrences such as seemingly unanswered prayers for loved ones make it hard to trust accounts of miracles or even hope that they will come. Sometimes the seemingly unanswered prayer is waved off by the supplicant’s lack of faith. Alternatively, it is seen as proof that no higher being is listening.
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